Category: Photography

  • Favorite Photo of the Week

    Take that

    I just love Robin’s expression.

    From Dragon*Con last weekend. We were playing Pirates on the 12th floor of the Hilton, and I snapped this image from the 15th floor balcony.

  • The Magic of Flickr

    In case anyone cares, all of my Dragon*Con images are posted to flickr now. There are two sets, one containing all of the images I felt worthy of upload, and one containing my “favorites”. I quotate “favorites” because there wasn’t much selection going on. I’ll probably make a third set during the next several weeks that will contain my real favorites, after cropping and color levelling. For now, they are what they are. There are also a number images that I’ve posted as Friends Only, so if you’re my friend and want to see them, get a flickr account and ask me to make you a contact. Nothing horribly risque, but I felt that a lot of them were not to be for public consumption.

    Flickr is great because I can watch the view count of my images climb during lunch time on the east coast. I also have been watching the image count with keywords “dragoncon 2007” rise from 6,000 yesterday to 20,000 today at noon.

  • Favorite Photo of the Week

    It’s not the best photo, but I still like it.


    We were whitewater rafting in Tennessee on the Middle Ocoee river. I highly recommend this trip.

    A close second was this image:

    Atlanta Region Traffic Management Center

    This was taken in one of the conference rooms of the Traffic Management Center in Atlanta. These rooms overlook the operations room for the Atlanta Metro area.

  • Favorite Photo of the Week

    John dropped in to Atlanta for a quick flyby. We went to the Marietta Pizza Kitchen on The Square for dinner.

    John Sassatelli

    That photo of John was a close winner over this image of the parking garage stairwell next to the courthouse in Marietta. I’m not sure why I like this image, but I do.

    Parking Garage Stairwell

  • Favorite Photo of Last Week

    This is me taking pictures of Psyche while she’s trying to sleep. I like this one best:

    Big Yawn

    Although quite a few people seem to like this one better:

    Big Yawn

  • Favorite Photo of Last Week

    Beluga Silhouette

    The Nephews were in town, so we went to the aquarium. It’s tough taking pictures inside a dark room with lots of blue light coming out of the tanks, but you can get some cool silhouettes.

  • Photo Completion

    I’ve become a medium-level Flickr user since last year. In that time I’ve uploaded about 2,000 images and perused hundreds more. I did not know that Flickr was going to be used by high-end computer scientists to make photography obsolete.

    Well, partially obsolete. It won’t be necessary to compose your shot perfectly anymore, once you can use other images to fix the issues, such as removing an unsightly crane from the back ground.

    It’s a pretty cool concept. Go check it out.

  • Favorite Photo of Two Weeks Ago

    I was on vacation, then there was the 4th of July, then I was lazy. Suffice, I am bit behind.

    Watching the Sunset

  • Favorite Photo of the Week

    My Cat Likes Golf

    I spent all of last Sunday, and a lot of Saturday watching the U.S. Open Golf tournament. So did our cat.