Psyche doesn’t like to pose. She’ll only sit still if she’s on her bed.
More Favorite Photos may come after the weekend is complete. It’s July 4th weekend, after all.
I ran across this site today, by Charile Stout, which contains great images from ye olde stomping grounds at and around Lubbock, Texas (and elsewhere).
The best part about the site is the quote in the header:
i don’t shoot weddings. there is no sum of money so great, no location so exotic, no lonely bridesmaid so willing to persuade me otherwise.
My father received a new computer (Dell Inspiron laptop) from his three oldest offspring for Father’s day. I got it set up yesterday and composed a quick video message as his father’s day gift, until I can deliver the computer. Because you can never have too many different media concatenated together, here’s a picture of a video on an LCD screen.
I should have shot it in a mirror, just for additional gravitas.
In accordance with the “Break Important Things” act of 2008, I’ve now subjected two important items in my life to destructive activities. First the car, now the main lens for my camera.
I was on a site visit for work and I dropped the camera coming out of my car. Now it won’t focus past about 2 meters. You can see in the image the maximum extent of the focus, marked by the little white tick mark next to the distance window pane. Even manually focusing, it won’t go past that point therefore lens = broken. Alas.
It’s now on it’s way to the Sigma repair center in New York. Hopefully it won’t be gone too long.
Blogging is very inbred.
I found this awesome post about photography from space through Bad Astronomy, who got it from Whil Wheaton. Go us. Now I get to blog about it.
A series of photos from orbit were posted by Alan Taylor at They’re all awesome, but I like this one best.
Source: Image Science and Analysis Laboratory, NASA-Johnson Space Center. “The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth.”
(06/11/2008 11:44:44) 1.5 Mb file here.
This is just so science-fictiony, how can you not like it. To my eye, it looks like a battle craft is reining destruction upon a world below (it’s actually the aurora australis and lightning above Argentina). Great shot, despite the technical flaws like the blur and the pixel artifacts. Or do those make it better? Hmmm…
This is all courtesy of the Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth, a site I’d never seen before but will probably now spend a lot of time on.
There is an absolutely spectacular flickr set which features iconic photographs recreated in LEGO. A must see.
Thanks to Whil Wheaton for linking this.
Lifehacker pointed me this direction.
Greg Apodaca has spent some time professionally retouching photos. He has an archive of some of his work. Some of it is interesting and fun, some of it is downright scary. I actually flinched when I moused over this woman’s face and saw the original.