Category: Photography

  • Google Streetview Captures Drunk

    Thanks to Steph for pointing this out

    Google Streetview has captured a moment of drunken unconsciousness in Australia.

    My thoughts on this are: Public photography is legal (in the US) except for some very specific cases. If you’re drunk in a public space, or doing anything else, you’re available for photographic recording. If I, or Google, take a picture of you, you don’t really have much to say about it.

    Of course, if I took a picture of someone in a compromising position, and that person requested I remove it from my Flickr stream or my blog, I’d consider the request. I might not acquiesce, but I would consider it.

  • Photography, Ho!

    My friend Chris blogged about Vincent Laforet, a man who is even now photographing the Olympics.

    All I have to say is, “I want this work table.”

  • Wicked Awesome LHC Pictures

    Follow the link to see some wicked awesome pictures of the Large Hadron Collider.

    They’re “Wicked Awesome” because the pictures are from the Boston Globe.

    At least I didn’t use “Wicked Pissa!”

    Update: Best comment on the comment stream: “pfft this thing again? i have one in my backyard.”

  • Running in Summertime Georgia

    Jenn's Home!
    During the summer time, running around here is a real pain in the butt. Jenn and I ran this morning (marathon training) and we left the house by 7:30. Temps ~75 degrees F, humidity ~4000%. The results are as shown here in the picture of Jenn, ambushed coming in the door. No, she did not break my camera.

    During the wintertime, of course, I’m more than happy to taunt my northern friends with their situation. Comments such as “You’re shoveling snow? I’m sitting outside in shorts!” have been known to emerge from my lips. This time of year, I believe that karma comes home to roost.

  • Favorite Photo of Last Week


    This is Jenn, ready to hurry Meb along to a married state.

  • Going Through Old Photos

    Alton and MeI was going through photos from 2004 and lo, what do I find?

    If you don’t know who this is, I can’t be bothered with you, but go look up Good Eats.

    Alton’s the man.

  • Images from Meb's Wedding

    My selection of images from Meb’s wedding is up at my flickr page. Entirely un-tagged or titled. I’ll get around to it eventually.

    IMG_1871 IMG_1665
    IMG_1837 IMG_1875

    August 12, 2010 Update: By request, I’ve changed the permissions of these photos to “Friends & Family” on my flickr site. If you want to see them, or any of the rest of the flickr images, drop me a line and we’ll see what we can do.

  • Picture!

    I realized that I was in serious danger of not having an image on the front page of my blog. Therefore, the first picture I ever uploaded to Flickr!

    R2-D2 Mailbox

  • Lens be Fixed!

    Poor Lens: It's BrokenI received a nice surprise when I got back to work today. My Sigma 30mm f/1.4 (for Canon) lens was waiting for me! I managed to damage it last month and it had been in NY being fixed. Yay Sigma! Of course, it’s not like I didn’t pay them for the work. It cost me half the purchase price to get it repaired, alas. But, that’s ok, because I’ve got my super-fast normal lens back in time to go to Meb’s wedding this week. That makes me happy.

  • Bring a Tripod

    Cropped Fireworks (Bring a Tripod)IMG_6445

    If you’re going to shoot firewords, a tripod is necessary. I know this rule, but I forgot the tripod. The image on the left is the best of the lot from last night. The image on the right is from the same fireworks display, last year. One uses a tripod, one doesn’t. You make the call.

    0836 Edit: This is the way to go about it. Especially this one.