Category: Katrina Disaster

Posts concerning Hurricane Katrina and the Aftermath

  • Hurricane Diapers to the Rescue!,2933,170254,00.html

    This was brought to my attention by a co-worker. Fox News had an interview a Mr. Peter Cordani who wants to use the same sort of gel used in diapers to disrupt hurricanes a little bit.

    My first instinctive reaction was “this guy is full of crap,” but then I got to thinking about it. Diaper gel coagulates with the addition of water. It must be an endothermic reaction or they wouldn’t put it into diapers. Maybe this guy has got something.

    Anyhow, check out the links. I haven’t read them all, but I did skim the Fox News article.

  • The Interdictor

    If you haven’t been following the developing situation in New Orleans, you’re probably not an American or you live on the Moon. It’s a mess.

    The Interdictor‘s blog on has a unique perspective on the situation.

  • Inexcusable Behavior

    A friend, Mike Steele, posted this in his LiveJournal Blog. It is a story of two EMS people in New Orleans from the get-go and how they evacuated.

    This story, if all true and accurate as portrayed, is aboslutely sickening. I can understand, if not condone, indifference and deliberate ignorance from on-the-spot authorities, but what is described here passes beyond into outright abuse. There is no excuse for this sort of criminal behavior.

    The only recourse I can see for myself, at the moment, is to forward this link to my U.S. Senators and demand some accountability.


  • Katrina Narrow Escapes

    Reports are saying the 50 to 60 thousand people are waiting for or currently being evacuated from New Orleans. I’m going to go out on a limb and make some assumptions:

    1) They’re reasonably accurate on that number
    2) That’s not all of the people who are still within the city limits

    This means a couple things. One, between 10% and 20% of the city remained behind after the direst of warnings by the Mayor. Two, almost every single one of those people would be dead if the storm had not veered east and flattened Mississippi.

    A death toll in America of 100 thousand because people could not or would not evacuate was avoided narrowly.

    This is overwhelming to me. Things like this should not be happening in the worlds most industrial nation. I realize that the timeframe of the evacuation was short, but there better be a plan for the next time. I believe it is within the power of the Federal Government to nationalize the assets of the airline industry for emergency troop deployments. Something similar could have been accomplished with buses and railroads and taxis, etc. , if only to remove people from the environs of the city.

    There are huge holes in what I just wrote, I know, but if we’re going to have an entire Department called Homeland Security, they better earn their pay, or dissolve and put the Coast Guard back into the Dept. of Interior.

  • Help Katrina Victims

    Please visit the Red Cross and donate some money. The thing most needed right now is for organizations that are already set up to send relief to disaster victims to have the funds to do it with. You can also call 1-800-HELP-NOW.

    Take time and send some of your extra money. It only takes a moment, and you can think of $50 increments as a tank of gas each.