Category: TV

  • Bones: Shark Jumpage

    We’ve been watching Fox’s Bones since the first episode. The first two seasons were good. The third, which ended tonight, was a festering turd that stunk up my living room.

    Unfortunately, we were so invested that we refused to declare it deceased when we should have, about seven episodes ago. We, at one point, did swear a pact that if the next episode weren’t up to par, we’d stop watching. The writers, unfortunately, pulled something less stinky out of their butts and managed to snare us in for another five or six episodes. However, the last two of the season placed us solidly on the “never watch again” pedestal.

    We were astounded with how badly the writers treated the characters this year. It was like the writers had never watched the show and didn’t give a crap about development. They had the characters doing things that they would never have done, or had already progressed through. It was crazy.

    Therefore, no more Bones. It was fun while it lasted. On to something else.

  • Eureka

    Jenn turned me on to the SciFi channel show, Eureka. It’s smart, funny, clever [add your own adjective here] and fun to watch.

    At least it was.

    This is the third season. We watched episode 2 last night and I have to say, “meh”.

    By all means, rent/borrow/buy seasons 1 and 2. They were excellent. I’m waiting on more episodes of season 3 before I declare shark jumpage. It just hasn’t been as tight and focused as it used to be.

  • The Middleman

    Has anyone besides me and Jenn been watching ABC Family’s The Middleman? We have found it to be fun and cute; nice tasty chewing gum for the brain.

    It isn’t Dr. Who, but we think it’s worth our time.

  • Random TV Shoutout -or- One of the Best TV Show Episodes Ever

    Whoah Nelly! This post has been sitting around since January. Time to get it out the door. Parts are less timely, because Doctor Who season 3 is nearly over, but the meat of the post is still relevant.

    If you read my blog, you probably don’t need me to tell you that the latest edition of Doctor Who is in its third season (in the US). I’ve been liking the show, although I think season three is much better than the other two (yet I miss Christopher Eccelston from season one). I haven’t been making it a habit to watch each show. More or less I watch it if Jenn is watching it, which means I’ve caught about a third of them.

    This has changed since I watched last week’s Doctor Who episode entitled “Blink” and was totally blown away. It was a suspenseful episode which gave me the same creepy-eerie feeling I had when I saw the original “Fly” from the 50’s. It was spectacularly well blocked and shot, and this has been recognized by the Hugo Nomination Process because “Blink” is one of the nominees for Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form.

    It deserves it. Even if you don’t know like Doctor Who, you’ll probably like this episode.

  • We're Doomed!

    Scifi Disaster flicks are a staple of the industry. Good Scifi disaster flicks are the minority. It looks like there will be soon a new miniseries to add to the other category.

    Budgeted at $13 million, the effects-heavy “Impact” chronicles the aftermath of a meteor shower during which a piece of a dwarf star lodges itself in the moon. That triggers a series of anomalies on Earth, including cell phone service interruption, exaggerated tides and the occurrence of sporadic weightlessness.

    Astrophysicist Alex Kinter (Elliott), with a help of a female astronomer, discover that the moon has been dislodged from its orbit and is on a collision course with Earth.

    Oh, sigh. “Sporadic weightless ness”? “Piece of a dwarf star”? I’m not getting my hopes up. This sounds to be as poor as the Scifi channel movie “Earthstorm” which was so bad that I had to stop watching after 15 minutes it hurt me so.

  • If You Liked First Season Heroes…

    …you might find this review of Heroes’ second season amusing. For the record, I agree in principle with everything that is stated, yet I still watch. I’m a slave.

  • Firefly

    I have way too many friends who love Firefly. Therefore, I present, courtesy of Bad Astronomy, NASA is sending Firefly into space.

  • Really Bad TV Shows!

    A fall line-up of Sci-Fi TV shows is displayed at (props to SFSignal for the link).

    Some of these shows read like a truly terrible idea. Others seem ok. For really bad, make sure you read the description of “Me & Lee” near the bottom.

    My question for today is: “What did the show descriptions for Firefly or Heroes or Battlestar sound like? We’re they as wretched-appearing as these?”

    I’m looking forward to seeing Bionic Woman and New Amsterdam. The rest seem a bit dodgy.

  • The Neverending Story, a.k.a. Lost

    It’s been a long time since I swore off Lost, in all of it’s disglory. It was after the third episode of season two, when they had ended the hour with the exact same cliffhanger. At that moment, I was done. I was both enraged and sad because I had loved the first season. I posted about it then, and the thread is still getting the occasional comment.

    Thankfully, I got out.

    Those poor souls whom I am aquainted with that are still mired in the Lost world occasionally tell me some tidbit of what’s going on. It does my heart good to see that my TV instincts were on track in this case.