Category: Books

  • Pern on Film

    There is news that Anne McCaffrey’s world of Pern will be brought to film sometime soon. We’ve heard this before, of course, but this one looks more positive. Ms. McCaffrey mentioned that there were negotiations ongoing when we saw her at Dragon*Con last September.

    I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, I love this series (with a couple exceptions) and it’s mythos. Seeing it on Film or TV would be great! On the other hand, I love this series and I’d hate to see it trashed by shitty filming, directing, acting, re-writing or whatever. I harken back to the first movie made out of Dune and shudder to think what could happen to Pern.

    Hopefully, if it happens, they won’t screw it up too badly.

  • Scary Robert Jordan News

    In the past, the wife and I have joked about how devastating it would be if J. K. Rowling died before finishing the seventh Harry Potter book. I have joked similarly about how world-destroying it would be if Robert Jordan passed on before he completed the Wheel of Time series.

    Well, poking around the Tor website I found this:

    I have been diagnosed with amyloidosis. That is a rare blood disease which affects only 8 people out of a million each year, and those 8 per million are divided among 22 distinct forms of amyloidosis.


    Bad Bad Bad BAD!

    Thankfully, he is undergoing treatment at the Mayo Clinic and I expect he will be with us for a good while longer. Median* life expectancy is 4 years with treatment, which is heartening.

    As mentioned above, we all joke about our Authors and the effect they have on us by meeting, exceeding, or failing our expectations, but we don’t often talk about how their work impacts their lives. If it takes a sabbatical for Mr. Jordan to complete his recovery, I take it on myself to give him my blessing, as a fan, to take as long as he needs.

    *Median does not equal average. Median means half the values are above that number and half are below. On a bell-curve, this would equal or be very near the average, but diagnostic-survival curves are not bell-shaped. By definition, you cannot be diagnosed after death and “die before diagnosis”, so the curve will be right-skewed with a long tail. Better explanation here.

  • Gross Irregularity in Harry Potter Film II


    Well, I must confess that I made a slight error in my post Gross Irregularity in Harry Potter Film. I believe that the names on the tombstone (in the Book) are Tom Riddle, a.k.a. Voldemort’s father, and Tom Riddle’s elderly parents. This does not materially change my complaints posted earlier concerning the movie, but it does alter things a bit.

    However, as I mentioned in the post, I will be reserving judgement until I see the movie tomorrow. This was emphasized today when I read a NY Times review of Goblet of Fire and saw this image in the story.
    Harrry Potter in the Cemetery; presumably preparing to duel.
    Compare that image with this one from the internet movie database and my concerns may have been alleviated. As you can see, the name Tom Marvolo Riddle has been replaced by Tom Riddle, which would fit into the scheme of the book. I’m still confused about the dates, though.

    I’ll let you all know tomorrow.

  • Gross Irregularity in Harry Potter Film

    Seven days until Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire hits the theaters. I was poking around in the internet movie database and discovered a shocking irregularity.

    Spoilers follow!

    In this studio still from the filming, you will see the names on the tombstone where Harry is used to bring Volemort back to his mortal body. This tomb is for Voldemort’s Father, his father’s wife, and his father’s son (I’m not calling them step-mother and half-brother because I don’t believe that applies in this case). They are, reading from the photo, Thomas Riddle (the father), …ry Riddle (which I assume to be the wife) and Tom Marvolo Riddle, who is Voldemort himself!

    What the Hell? Voldemort killed his father and his father’s family for vengeance sake. We know this. His father never had anything to do with him. We know this too, and not from reading further forward in the series, it’s in Goblet! What the hell are they doing messing with the story like that? If they change up the relationships of people now, it will have serious repercussions in the future movies. It will almost be an alternate Harry Potter reality.


    Another thing that’s got me confused are the dates on the tombstone. They are difficult to read in the still, but it looks like Voldemort (Tom Marvolo Riddle) “died” in 1946 which doesn’t even come close to matching the timeline of the book series. I’ll reserve final judgement on the last part of this rant until I’ve seen the movie and read those dates better.

    [did you know that Harry Potter was in training to be a Jedi?]