Category: Books

  • Forsooth! It is Book!

    As only a ten-question quiz can do, it has summarized my life down to the last string of vestigal DNA. I feel complete and without any more purpose.

    What Kind of Reader Are You?

    Your Result: Dedicated Reader

    You are always trying to find the time to get back to your book. You are convinced that the world would be a much better place if only everyone read more.

    Literate Good Citizen
    Obsessive-Compulsive Bookworm
    Book Snob
    Fad Reader
    What Kind of Reader Are You?
    Create Your Own Quiz
  • My oh My. Tolkien is Spinning at 400 RPM…

    Without a doubt, the Lord of the Rings will not stop being reinterpreted until some post-modern deconstructionist proves that it never existed in the first place.

    Next it will be in Mime.

  • Dragon*Con Review: Miscellaneous

    Part V of an n part series. See here, here, here, and here for others.

    Lots of stuff, I’m telling you TONS of stuff, goes on at Dragon*Con. You can party almost 24 hours a day on the planned activities alone! If you happen to be bringing friends (or meet new ones) you can fill that bit of time between 6:00 AM and 10:00 AM with anything your heart desires. We danced ’til 3:30 on Saturday night, and I gamed until the same time on Sunday, after which I went down to the concerts! (Friday I collapsed early, but I needed to rest up for the remainder of the Con)

    Saturday night we saw the Crüxshadows, an energetic goth/darkwave band that we like. I, personally, don’t find them to be that inspiring from a musical perspective, but their shows are great, and if they ever get a U.S. tour date around here, we’ll go. So far I’ve only seen them at Dragon*Con. Jenn is psyched because she hugged Rogue, the lead singer, a man with wayyy too much energy on stage. I don’t have to guess how he stays so thin.

    John Ringo and OtherOther things I did this weekend: I went to a session with John Ringo, Sci-fi Military author extraordinaire. He was a very engaging person to listen to for an hour. He was wearing a kilt, along with half of the rest of the guys at the convention.

    One drawback of going to listen to authors is I always want to run out and buy their whole published works. John was no exception.

    In the exhibit hall, one of the groups that showed up was the company Chessex, who sells dice, amongst other things. I should have taken a picture of their dice table, it was freaking huge! A friend bought a dIV, which if you understand dice lingo (6 sided die = d6, 8 sided die = d8) means the die has a I, II, III, and IV on it. They were also selling a d5 which had five non-equal sides (typically, you’d roll a d10 and divide by 2 to get a d5) and they swore it was accurate due to the way the corners were mitered. I’ll stick with my d10’s.Flying Spaghetti Monster shows up at Dragon*Con '06!

    The Flying Spaghetti Monster was spotted at Dragon*Con this year! I was touched by her noodly appendage.

    Hotel elevators are evil creations of a sadistic being. During the con, elevators were generally hard to come by, and if you tried to get up or down during the periods between sessions, good luck. All this pales compared to trying to check out of the Hilton on Monday with six people’s bags, from the 18th floor. It was so bad that people I was on the elevator with had gotten on going up at the 8th floor, traveled all the way to the top, and were on their way back down. View up to the Hilton Elevators.  Or is this the Hilton?  Maybe it's the Marriot?  I can't remember...

    We made two trips down the stairs before I decided this was useless and went looking for the service elevators. Next year, it’s service elevators all the way, baby!

    I did not understand the people who resided on floors 5 and below who would use the elevators. Just couldn’t be worth their time.

    Lastly for this post, Dragon*Con TV! The programming and “commercials” and bumpers alone are worth the cost of entry to the Con. My personal favorite is the spoof, “The Simple Life: Ensigns” set on the Starship Enterprise. “I hope they teach me how to use the Force.” Hee hee.

  • Dragon*Con Review: Jim Butcher

    I felt that having a humongous post about everything that went on at Dragon*Con would be a bit absurd. Here is installment III of the post.

    Jim Butcher during a panel about himself at Dragon*Con '06Jim Butcher is the author of the Dresden Files. He attended Dragon*Con this year and was seen by me in the Gothic Shadows programming track. He was on a panel entitled Scarey Fairies and one featuring himself.

    First off, let me say that Storm Front and its following books are excellently sarcastic in tone and wit. They are also well-envisioned with numerous dynamic characters. I enjoyed them all.

    Second off, let me say that Jim Butcher is almost identical in manner and presence to my friend Brian, shown here. It’s uncanny how similar they are. I’m still freaked out about it. This picture is not the best for comparison purposes (book signing vs. RPI Freakout) but should give you some idea.Brian at an RPI Freakout.  He is Jim Butcher's Evil Twin, or vice versa

    Thirdly, Jim is great to listen to because he loves what he is doing!. The Dresden Files will be a show on the SciFi channel starting in January and Jim was totally stoked about it. He went on and on about how awesome it was to be on set during shooting and to be involved (however little he’s involved; mainly proof-reading scripts, he’s got no artistic control over the series but does contribute comments) with the creation of this program.

    It will apparently be a parallel universe to the Dresden Files books with the script writer (who’s name escapes me, he did Andromeda for a while) creates episodes based around the Harry Dresden character.

    This seems like a good thing. According to Jim, they’d originally intended to do a 2-hour movie, but it turned out so well, they went ahead with the series. Cool! I’m looking forward to seeing it.

    And of course, now that I’ve seen the guy in person, I’ll have to start buying his hardbacks. Time to run to the book store to get the latest Harry Dresden novel.

  • Dragon*Con 2006


    As you may notice from the categories tags, Dragon*Con was a multi-threaded, awesomely spectacular, ravingly cool, devastatingly delicious weekend. There’s so much to talk about, I’m not sure where to start. This will probably end up being a multiple posting.

    I’ll start by saying, I bought a new camera the week before Dragon*Con, and I’m still working with the settings. Unfortunately, I had the white balance set on tungsten all weekend, so my pictures are a bit blue. I’ll be photoshopping them to adjust the color balance before I post anything. ‘Til then, you’ll just have to deal with my descriptions.

    I think I will leave this post as is. Dragon*Con 2006 was great! I’ve already made hotel reservations for next year.

    [editorital addition] It seems this post is similar to last year’s post. That’s ok! I feel that this year was even better, but that is probably because of the bevey of friends that made the trip here for the Con.

  • Lying down, Reading books…

    With respect to the fact that I can injure myself by sitting on the couch, I’ve spent a good deal of the last two days lying on the selfsame evil couch reading books and watching TV. World Cup soccer and Welcome to Mooseport are both excellent time sinks.

    The majority of the time has been burning through the Dresden Files, a series by Jim Butcher.

    The last few books were quite good (I’m on the sixth right now). I almost did not continue reading the series after the first book because of the character cliches that were beating me about the head, but I figured that this was (I think) Mr. Butcher’s first published work so it wasn’t going to get any worse. They’re good Saturday/Sunday reading and very quick. I’ve read numbers two through 5.5 since Friday. If you are a fan of the early Anita Blake novels, before they turned into pornography, then you’ll probably like these. Of course, you will recognize a lot of themes from those books, but that’s because Mr. Butcher and Ms. Hamilton both lifted them from the same places.

  • Two (at least) Harry Potter Characters Die

    According to the canonical source, Ms. J. K. Rowling, author of the series, Harry Potter and the *, two characters (at least) will croak in the seventh and final book. From an article in the Atlanta Journal Constitution:

    During an interview broadcast Monday on Britain’s Channel Four, Rowling revealed that at least two characters will buy it but was careful not to say who.

    The author also noted that the last chapter of the seventh book was written awhile ago.

    “The final chapter is hidden away, although it’s now changed very slightly,” she said in the interview. “One character got a reprieve, but I have to say two die that I didn’t intend to die.”


    Methinks that she has always intended Voldemort to be killed in this last book, so that bumps the minimum number of character deaths to three, given a reading of that last line above. Questions will now abound about who the other two are.

    Of course, she has a lot of people to choose from. There’s all the members of the Order of the Phoenix. It could be Lupin or Moody or a dozen other people. If, like some of us believe, the seventh book still revolves around Hogwarts, any of the teachers are fair game, plus all the students, people in Hogsmead, etc. And don’t forget the character cast from the Ministry! Literally, there are dozens of “characters” that might find their way under Ms. Rowlings diabolical pen. When she said “characters” she might have been throwing us ye olde vermillion herring. She didn’t say “main characters” after all.

    For my money:

    • Voldemort dies, killed by Harry by way of the prophecy and Voldemort’s interpretation of it.
    • Snape dies, in a final act of “redemption” in order to save Harry. This dovetails from Harry’s ruminations in The Half Blood Prince regarding all of the people who have sacrificed themselves for him (Dad, Mom, Sirius, Dumbeldore). Snape will be the final card in that flush, I think. Although, Snape might possibly get the “reprieve” mentioned above. And, I quotated “redemption” because I don’t believe that Snape is part of the Dark Side. I think he’s following some deep plan of Dumbledore’s.
    • Moody dies. This is just a guess, but that man wouldn’t be happy dying in his bed. He’d be more likely to go out in a blaze of glory, battling the Death Eaters.

    I do not think that J.K.Rowling will kill Harry or Ginny, Ron, or Hermione, although I’m a bit up in the air concerning Ginny. No, now that I think about it, I don’t think Ginny will be killed.


    That’s about it for me. Feel free to speculate on your own time.

    OH OH OH! I almost forgot…


    Beware of Spoilers! If you’ve been living under a rock, you probably don’t know of what I am about to speak…

    Where are the Horcruxes (Horcrucae? Horcruces?)? It is commonly accepted amongst H.P. fans that R.A.B., who placed the note into the locket retrieved at the end of Half Blood Prince was Regulus Black, who was a death eater and was killed after he tried to back out of his evil commitments.

    I recently re-read the series and noticed that the locket we are all assuming is the real horcrux (found in the cabinet in the living room of Black Manor in Order of the Phoenix) was being cleaned up at the time of mention! They were placing all the things found in that cabinet into bags and then…who knows? What did they do with the bags? Where did the locket go? The next scene in that room implies that there wasn’t anything left in the cabinets, if the cabinets themselves were even still there. So, will Harry Potter be going dumpster diving to find the next horcrux? We shall see…


    And speaking of speculation, I can’t be alone thinking that the final horcrux that Voldemort intended to make with Harry’s death when he was a child is now resident in Harry’s scar. Yes? No? Anyone?

  • American Gods

    I finished American Gods, yesterday. It was pretty good, although it made me wish I was more familiar with Norse, Native American, Indian, Irish, French, German, etc., mythology before I read the book.

    Quick synopsis: Immigrants brought with them their Gods. America is not a good place for Gods. Gods need to do something to survive. Go.

    It is not a slam-bam wow book, but it is good. I would recommend it.

  • Shameless Mercantilism? Or Laziness?

    The astute among you (or the not-so-blind) will notice the Amazon Links on the sidebar of the blog.

    Don’t get all huffy! I don’t expect to make any money with this thing. I’ve let my book list die over the last year or so, and have recently decided it needs to make some sort of comeback. I’ve seen on a nice sidebar that lists what people are currently reading and thought “gee, that looks cool. I should do that!”

    Voila! Although I’m not currenlty satisfied. I do not like how blatantly commercial it all looks (although I used the option to not show prices, as you can see. I don’t really care if anybody clicks through and buys these books on my account. I don’t really care if I get any checks from amazon for sending people their way. I just want a low maintenance, non hassling way to get book titles and images up on my blog.

    Come back later and see if it has changed. I’ll tweak it as time goes by.

  • Googledemort?

    Performing my duty as the NY Times’ bitch, I mention this story (which you probably won’t be able to access after today) wherein they speak of a new data center that Google is building in Oregon.

    The fact that Google is behind the data center, referred to locally as Project 02, has been reported in the local press. But many officials in The Dalles, including the city attorney and the city manager, said they could not comment on the project because they signed confidentiality agreements with Google last year.

    “No one says the ‘G’ word,” said Diane Sherwood, executive director of the Port of Klickitat, Wash., directly across the river from The Dalles, who is not bound by such agreements. “It’s a little bit like He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named in Harry Potter.”

    Heh heh. Voldemort and Google are teaming up to take over the world! Maybe Bill Gates is Voldemort? Nahhhh. He’s too “pretty.”