Category: Blog Admin

  • Traveling with a Laptop

    It’s nice to travel with a laptop, because it lets me catch up on some of those longer posts, sitting in my “to write” folder, that I haven’t devoted the time to finish. I’m not a professional writer, and all the distractions at home tend to pull me away from long essays. However, sitting in the airport or on the plane for hours allows one some time to reflect.

    Hopefully, this space will be seeing some longer posts soon with DEEP THOUGHT in them.

  • PodCamp Atlanta

    I will be attending PodCamp Atlanta next weekend. It is an unconference for people interested in Podcasting, Blogging, and new media.
    PodCamp Atlanta, 2007
    The schedule is chock full of interesting stuff which I’m sure I’ll have fun participating in. I’ll let you all know next sunday.

  • Commenting Adjustment

    Some of you may have noticed that your comments have been stuck in the moderation queue. I had the spam paranoia filter on eleven.

    I’m turning it down a bit. We’ll see if this improves things. You’ll still have to have at least one approved comment per email address before your comments will go through, though.

  • File Photos

    I wrote an entry concerning a Carl Sagan anecdote as a part of his 10th deathday memorial.

    While I was writing it, I thought it would be cool to do a google-esque change to my blog header for one day. Put up an image of the night sky, or the moon, or something spacey. Of course, I’ve only had a digital camera since 2002; I haven’t accumulated too many different types of images, especially night ones. I tend to take pictures with an eye toward inclusion in a photo album. I do have a lot of roadway/traffic related pictures, but most of them are pretty boring

    So, a new task. A quest, even! Take some pictures that are blog-worthy and useful under different circumstances. I believe the first ones I get will be night images around Atlanta. You can do cool stuff with long exposures around highways.

    Sounds like it is time to break down and get a flickr account.

  • Comment Moderation

    Be aware that if you post a comment you may be held in the moderation queue for a little while. I’ve made some adjustments to the approval process to cut down on spam. It should only happen to each person once.

  • I'm Alive!

    Even though I haven’t posted since October 3rd, I’m still alive and consious. Things are still happening. Food is being consumed, sleep is being slept, etc.

    I promise to post something today, other than this, even if it’s merely to update my book list.

  • Long Time Away…

    I’ve been neglecting my blog—obviously—for a while. I’ve had good reasons, though!

    We traveled to St. Simon’s Island for the Georgia ITE Section Summer Seminar.
    Sunrise on St. Simon's Island, Georgia, July 2006

    I saw a great new traffic sign. There are a lot of Live Oaks on St. Simon’s that will never be trimmed back. Large trucks would have an issue with some of the limbs dangling over the road.
    LOW LIMBS AHEAD traffic sign on St. Simon's Island, Georgia

    We also travelled to Syracuse, NY to visit friends, and have been generally busy. Busy enough to warrant ignoring my blog. After all, that is my prerogative!

    But, now I’m back, and I’ll hopefully keep things a bit more steady.

  • Blog Splurge!

    I’ve been cleaning up my to-be-blogged-about list today, as you can tell if you read my blog. What with Rush Limbaugh being detained and the Israeli Defence Force moving into Gaza and all the other crap going on in the world (like this) it is sometimes difficult to talk about something cheerful and fun.

    Like the story of Mr. Gorsky, which is not true, but still an amusing story. Plus, I like the crater.

  • Shameless Mercantilism II

    Look! Better Amazon links over there on the sidebar. Now things are not nearly as mercenary as before.

  • Shameless Mercantilism? Or Laziness?

    The astute among you (or the not-so-blind) will notice the Amazon Links on the sidebar of the blog.

    Don’t get all huffy! I don’t expect to make any money with this thing. I’ve let my book list die over the last year or so, and have recently decided it needs to make some sort of comeback. I’ve seen on a nice sidebar that lists what people are currently reading and thought “gee, that looks cool. I should do that!”

    Voila! Although I’m not currenlty satisfied. I do not like how blatantly commercial it all looks (although I used the option to not show prices, as you can see. I don’t really care if anybody clicks through and buys these books on my account. I don’t really care if I get any checks from amazon for sending people their way. I just want a low maintenance, non hassling way to get book titles and images up on my blog.

    Come back later and see if it has changed. I’ll tweak it as time goes by.