Category: Blog Admin

  • Evil Eyebrow Pi'th Anniversary

    Symbol of PiRight now is the 3.141592654th anniversary of the Evil Eyebrow. The first post went up at May 18, 2005, 12:39 pm and this one hits on July 8, 23:16 PM. I know that it’s typical to celebrate the blogiversary, however I forgot about it this year. I have the opportunity now to celebrate the Pi-iversary, which makes me geekily gleeful.

    Blogging, by most measures, is about 10 years old. Blogging as most people look at it today is about 5 years old. How much longer will this thing last? Who knows? I think it has some good legs, though. The systems might change and the type of content may get more sophisticated but the architecture of the “blog” is robust for what it does: it provides a 21st century journal and pundit-stand to anyone who wants one.

    Personally, I’ve written more in the past 3.14 years than I ever did in a paper journal. I positively hate writing long hand. My handwriting is poor, I don’t even remember how to write in cursive anymore and my words-to-page rate is so low compared to typing that it is mentally painful to write letters. Of course, a lot of blogs, including this one, are less about journaling than random thought spewage into the internet. I try to keep the Eyebrow light and airy when it comes to personal matters. Sure, I talk about things I’m doing, etc., but I don’t get into the nitty gritty of my life and the people within it. In that sense, this blog has never been a journal. Mostly, as I just mentioned, it’s a place where I can keep people up to date about things I’ve run across, pictures I’ve taken, places I’ve been, movies I’ve watched, runs I’ve ran, races I’ve raced, books I’ve read, and anything else that comes to my attention, like penis-shaped candy.

    Is this a useful application of my time? Probably not. I’m not solving the world hunger issue, nor am I contributing materially to my career, but it’s certainly fun and enjoyable and that’s why I do it. If I didn’t like it, I’d stop. So, happy Piiversary, Evil Eyebrow! It’s been a good 3.14 years.

    Now that I’ve gotten the teary stuff out of the way, how about some statistics? Unfortunately, I’ve just now discovered that I forgot to include the Google Analytics script when I changed up my theme, as you can see from the graph.

    Google Analytics Graph, Evil Eyebrow

    Looking back at the blog history since I started using Google Analytics, you can see some interesting things.
    Google Analytics graph, Evil Eyebrow

    August 2, 2007 was a spike. I’m pretty sure that was due to my post about the I-35 Bridge collapse. The others for that day or days before don’t seem nearly so visit-magnetic. The other big spike was on June 13, 2007 and I honestly don’t know why. The posts on or before that date don’t seem very relevant. Hmmm…

    Traffic has been growing, slowly, with a big uptick in 2008. I’m up around 23 unique visitors per day, which is cool. Perhaps that will get bigger. I suspect that I need to be doing something generally useful to the community to make that happen. Content content content, as they say. But to get back to what I was saying about doing this because I enjoy it, I’m not a traffic whore. I get who I get, which includes a bunch of my friends from other places, and that makes me plenty happy. Don’t get me wrong, if I figured out how to triple my traffic, I would, and turn this website into a nice social networking blog, but that’s not a primary goal.

    Another interesting compilation of random stuff are these word clouds of the blog. (Thanks to Wordle for providing such a slick interface for composing these clouds.)

    This first one is every single Post Title as of last week. You can see that I had a lot of “Favorite Photo of the Week” and “This Week in Traffic” titles. Apparently, I also talked about Harry Potter a lot.
    Evil Eyebrow Post-Title Word Cloud

    This one is the textual content of the blog since its inception. Every single word displayed on screen within the posts, not including titles. Jenn (my wife!) was a bit miffed that her name displayed smaller than both “Harry” and “Potter”. What can I say, this isn’t a journal. Sorry, sweetie (Jenn), I’ll try (Jenn) to do better for the pi times e-iversary on December 1, 2013 at 2:18 PM.
    Evil Eyebrow Word Cloud

  • Comment Spam; "Thanks Akismet!"

    Here is one day, approximately 24 hours, of the spam caught by Akismet, which automatically kills comments that it thinks are Spam. To date, it seems to do a pretty good job for me.
    Word Cloud of 1 day of Aksimet-caught Comment Spam for the Evil Eyebrow

    I’ve heard rumors that it is very difficult to become rehabilitated if you accidentally get logged onto the Akismet auto kill list, but they’re only rumors.

    Suffice to say, it seems that auto-spammers think I’m interested in Porn, Poker, Free stuff, Sex, and various other things. The “URL”, “Jul”, “Post”, “IP” and “Spam” words should be disregarded because those mostly came off of the Akismet screen on my blog management page. I didn’t bother to remove them. Too lazy.

  • Blog Theme Revampification

    The latest theme for this blog is at a point now where I’ll leave it alone for a while. Thanks go to several people who either contributed ideas or code.

    Firstly to Sadish Balasubramanian of WordPress Themeshop for providing such a nice theme for me to mess about with. If I had more time and desire, I’d probably try to write up my own theme, but I don’t so I’m happy to fool around with other people’s. Additionally, John Scalzi is using this theme on his Whatever, which is where I saw it first and decided that I wanted to use it.

    Secondly to Chris Schierer for providing me with his Rotating Header Image™ code which I proceeded to emasculate for my purposes. The implementation at his blog is much more interesting, providing a small probability of a “weird” logo as well as Holiday logos on the appropriate days. Thanks, Chris.

    Thirdly to Josh Hallet and his Hyku website which I covet and admire. You’ll recognize that I stole with malice aforethought his header image thematics. His site is much better than mine. See my note above about time, etc. Thanks, Josh.

    Lastly…well there is no lastly. Here’s the the new look. Keep looking for new header images. I can see where I might end up with a lot of those.

  • New Header Images

    Look up! New header images are being created! And, thanks to the lovely code provided to me by Chris Schierer, they will rotate at random.

    However, as is my normal method when doing things webbish, I’m trying to smash together a few pieces of code that aren’t getting along. If you notice the header doing weird stuff and/or the website occasionally providing only a PARSING ERROR – YOU SUCK notice, that’s all me. It’ll be fixed soon.

  • New Theme

    I’m messing with the theme, so expect changes as things change.

  • Default Theme is Not Working

    It has come to my attention that the archive and search functions for this here default WordPress Theme aint workin’ so hot. I was going back to a posting I did in mid January and I couldn’t get to it! I had to go into my administration functions in order to find it, which makes the site a bit un-user-friendly.

    I’ve been planning to retool the theme for a while, so if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.

  • CSS Help

    I’m punting on a CSS problem.

    You may have noticed that if you see an image on this blog, on the front page, it has a black border, but no padding. However, if you click through to the post itself, suddenly the image has padding. A nice neat, 4 pixel whitespace with a black border. This is the intended setup.

    I cannot figure out why the images on the front page of the blog are not operating this way. Obviously, it’s got something to do with inheritance and cascading style assignments, but I’ll be buggered if I know what it is.

    Anyone want to take a look and see if it’s something bloody obvious? The images are (generally) class “alignleft” and the front page matter is under div “narrowcolumn” while the post page is under div “widecolumn”.

    Let me know if you figure it out.

  • "Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics"

    I was perusing my blog stats today and did something I’ve never done before: I checked the most popular search phrases that would land you here. This goes all the way back to the inception of the Evil Eyebrow.

    1 lost is crap
    2 kai ryssdal
    3 lost crap
    4 Jasper Forde
    5 eyebrow
    6 Harriet Klausner
    7 evil eyebrow
    8 computers internet blog
    9 freaky optical illusions
    10 evil eyebrows

    So there you have it. In a nutshell, my blog is about Lost and Kai Ryssdal. Who would have thunk it. I suppose it’s not coincidence that half of these search phrases land me in the top 10 google hits.

    Oh, and did you know that there is an Evil Eyebrows website? Me neither, but now I do. Unfortunately, there’s nothing there. Go Eyebrows!

  • Test Posting

    I’m testing a new blog posting software called BlogDesk. It is intended for people who wish to post to multiple blogs simultaneously.

    It seems to be working.

    Crossposted to Evil Eyebrow and Talking Traffic

  • Sick

    SickToday I’m home sick. Bleah.

    You might think that this would let me catch up on blogging. We’ll have to see about that. Unfortunately, where I really want to be is at work, ’cause I have stuff to do, and limited time in which to do it. I find this unfortunately hard-and-fast hitting cold very untimely. Not to mention that it is playing hobb with my half-marathon training (which is in a week and a half).

    If you see a flurry of posts, now you know why.