Ziggurat Con! Support the Troops!

There will be a game con in Iraq. It will be attended by military personnel and civilian contractors. They need stuff.

I haven’t yet figured the easiest way to contribute, but don’t let that stop you! Go to the link above and help out.


One response to “Ziggurat Con! Support the Troops!”

  1. Jim Avatar

    This is awesome.

    At Dragon*Con, I was surprised to see the number of military-types there. I guess I always thought as military people as being more of the beer-swilling macho men and not the dice-wielding weekend fantasy warriors that we are.

    Good to see that an event like this is taking place, and I hope it’s a success. Now we just need a bunch of Israeli and Palestinian gamers to work out their conflict through a symbolic game of Battletech and call a real-life truce.

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