Baen Free Library

Have I plugged the Baen Free Library recently?

No, I do not believe that I have. This is a wonderful resource for those of us who enjoy the fiction that is published by Baen Books. Do take advantage of it by reading these novels entirely for free! No strings!

And, once you’re used to reading electronic books, start buying from Baen Webscriptions, the least expensive way I know to acquire a novel, other than stealing it. There are four publishers represented now: Baen, Tor, Del Ray, and Meisha Merlin (who I’ve never heard of). I own at least 20 novels by now that I’ve never touched on paper. I heartily recommend it. If nothing else, they don’t take up space on our overflowing bookshelves.


3 responses to “Baen Free Library”

  1. Ken Avatar

    Have you looked at eReader? I read eBooks on my Cingular 8125 during my long commute to/from work on the DC Metro. My wife reads on her Treo 650.

    I haven’t looked at Baen in a long time, I should take another look. I was disappointed by O’Reilly Safari, where I was hoping they’d allow downloads with DRM or content expiration.

  2. Bill Avatar

    I don’t have a portable device suitable for reading (no big screens), so I’ve never tried eReader. I have exclusively used the HTML formatted ebooks off of Baen, and been satisfied with that form.

  3. Jenn Avatar

    Libraries are pretty cheap way (besides online or stealing) to get books too (like um… free).

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