Freaky Cool Asteroid!

Monday’s Astronomy Picture of the Day is of asteroid Itokawa, which is currenlty being examined by a Japanese spacecraft named Hayabusa. This is a fascinating mission which involves a sample return, but that’s not why I’m writing this…

Take a look at the image. The asteroid is nubbly! No craters! No smooth surface! It looks like you can see rocks and stuff all piled up! Way stinking cool!

Here are images from the Japanese Space Agency site. If you can read the japanese, you can translate for me. Look at the smooth surfaces next to the rocky nubbs. Wow.

I assume the Japanese page is talking about landing sites for Hayabusa. It looks that way anyhow.


2 responses to “Freaky Cool Asteroid!”

  1. Photo Sharing Avatar

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  2. […] to never come back to my blog. To top off the fun part, their comments are on a post from November, 2005 and one from January, 2008. These posts do have Astrophotography in common, but the first comment, […]

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