Baby stuff is like Wedding stuff: it’s both expensive and marked up due to the specialized nature.
Griffin is standing himself up now by holding on to things and also crawling around like a maniac, therefore it’s time to make some things in the house less dangerous to his still clumsy self.
Things like the corners of our coffee table. Which are nasty enough for adults, much less small children.
But I mentioned that baby stuff is expensive. TOO expensive, to my taste. At least for things that can be made with a bit of ingenuity. For example, a visit to The Home Depot and wandering through the aisles can yield surprising brainstorms. Such as these:
From these less-than-a-dollar babies can come this!
Of course, I can’t promise that we’ll leave these on forever. They are a bit white-trashy. However, you can’t beat the price of a pack of sponges and some duct tape. And if we get sick of those, we can always go to Walmart and buy some hoity-toity edge cushioning (after I clean the duct tape residue off the coffee table.
That’s not the end of the baby treatment I got from The Home Depot. No, we also have a deathly stone hearth that is guaranteed to send a toppling baby to the ER for stitches. That was my primary reason for wandering Home Depot because they really don’t make things that would cover the edges and faces of the stone hearth in the manner I wanted. I came up with this:
That’s counter and/or shelf rubber matting and white duct tape. So far, it’s working pretty well. It won’t keep the kiddo from bonking himself hard, but it will keep him from rubbing the skin off his head or face if he comes tumbling down. That’s pretty much the goal.
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