Griffin is already a handy guy to have around the house. For example, he spent time in his second month of life looking for a good game to give to the family for Christmas. His solution? Superstructure! An Indiegogo-funded game which you can check out at their website.
It’s a competitive game of building things by buying the I-beams, rivets, and columns you need to finish your superstructure while interfering, or downright stealing stuff from other players.
You use cards to do the buying, interfering and stealing, while putting together your own structure.
As your structure grows and you get closer to the final level, other players start to target you with the Foreclosure card, the Strike card, or just steal your stuff.
Eventually you put a roof on your structure and you win!
Or, while playing during a New Years party, you can throw out the building codes and just build something interesting.
All in all, it is a fun game. We’ll drag it out for laughs frequently. I’m glad Griffin went through all the trouble to back the Indiegogo campaign and get us this spectacular Christmas Gift.
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