It’s been something like nine days since my last update. I’m honestly too lazy to go check the date on the last posting. It is amazing how quickly the time can fly when you’re not paying attention, busy with other things, having fun with people, or just plain tired from work.
I have a couple “serious” posts in the works, but they require more thinking and editing than my normal “have a thought without the limits of twitter” method of writing here. Perhaps those will see the light of day this weekend.
Partially I’ve been having difficulty writing because I have a large report at work that I should be working on if I’m writing anything at all. Unfortunately, the report isn’t getting the time it deserves because there’s a gazillion ((That’s a metric unit representing 2.3 cubic shit-tons.)) of little/medium things that I’m not managing well enough to give me the large blocks of time to work on the report (this all work-related, by the way, not anything to do with home life, baby prep, etc.). Therefore I will sometimes open up the drafts folder the blot and mind dump on the page, which is process you are participating in right now. Thank you.
The mind dump will often clear some of the writing cobwebs and let me move on to other things. It’s not a big investment in time and hopefully will allow for additional productivity after I’m done. For instance, I think I’ve spent about 8 minutes on this and it’ll ship unedited (which will probably be obvious).
So off to work again I go. Here’s a cat for your trouble.
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