Engineering Practice in Texas

As a part of my professional engineering continuing education, I’m acquiring the one professional development hour of time in the category of ethics, as required by the State of Texas. While reviewing the board rules, I re-read the section on who may use the term “engineer” in their work life. In general, only licensed professional engineers are allowed to advertise themselves as “engineers” however there are exceptions:

(3) Pursuant to §1001.061(b)(2) of the Act, a person employed by an operating telephone company or an affiliate of an operating telephone company engaged strictly in the art and science of telephony may use the term “engineer” in the person’s job title or personnel classification if the person does not offer engineering services to the public and if the designation does not imply that the person is licensed under the Act.

(5) Pursuant to §1001.066(2) of the Act, a person employed by a business entity whose products or services consist of space vehicles, services or technology required by the National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA) may use the terms “engineer” or “engineering” in the person’s job title or personnel classification if the person only uses the designation in association with the products and services related to NASA.

I love government regulations. You can almost smell the back-room smoke within them.


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