RSS Happiness!

I just goes to show: Once you’ve punted and begged for help, somebody might fix your problem.

Anyone reading this over a feedreader, please let me know if the posts are again deprived of formatting or images or paragraph breaks, etc.


2 responses to “RSS Happiness!”

  1. Chris Avatar

    For some strange reason I have been suspecting the PodPress plugin since my initial attempt at troubleshooting. I even discussed it with K a day or so ago. Crazy. I just ASS-U-ME-d that the PodPress plugin wasn’t optional for you so I didn’t bring it up.


  2. Bill Avatar

    Here on the Eyebrow, podpress is definitely optional. However, I re-installed podpress, using the latest version and things seem to still be working. We’ll see.

    I need to fix this same thing over on Talking Traffic

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