Dragon*Con 2008!

Crowdsurfing Stormtrooper
Dragon*Con is fast approaching. Our first out of town guests arrive one week from today and we’ll have a full house the day after that, preparing everyone in a zen-like-fashion for the trials of the 4 day weekend. The pocket program has been released, so it’s full steam ahead! (There’s also a google docs spreadsheet available)

I’m psyched. Can you tell? This weekend is a blast, even if I only get 12 hours of sleep from Friday to Monday. Or maybe that word should be “especially”


5 responses to “Dragon*Con 2008!”

  1. James Cronen Avatar

    DRAGON*CON!!!! Wooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!

    Ahem, I mean, uh… I too am excited about the potential for widespread social gathering.

  2. Bill Avatar

    I’ve already gone through the schedule of events and circled all the things I might do. Now I need to transfer those to the spreadsheet and see all the conflicts! I love it when there’s five things I want to do going on at once.

    I was amused to see there’s a late night panel of slash fic.

  3. Annie Avatar

    *sniff* no Dragon*Con for me, this year. :<

  4. Bill Avatar

    You and Mike will be missed. Although if you two *were* there, we’d have nearly an unsafe number of mikes.

  5. […] tend to do a lot of things in Downtown (Dragon*Con!) and Midtown, Little Five, Decatur, etc., all of which are not near where we live in Cobb […]

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