Comcast Chapping our Ass

We’ve been having regular morning internet outages for the past few weeks. Not every day, but often enought to make it seem regular. Our internet provider is Comcast and we’re pretty much stuck with them, alas.

This is genuinely odd. Given the regular nature, I’m not at all tempted to blame the modem, especially because it comes back without any reset. I may look into some sort of internet monitoring program that I can run in the background of one of the PC’s, just to have some data.


7 responses to “Comcast Chapping our Ass”

  1. Melissa M. Avatar
    Melissa M.

    Hello Evil Eyebrow,

    In surfing around the internet, I noticed you have posted about Comcast and your poor internet connection. I would be more than happy to assist in resolving this situation. If you would like my assistance, kindly email me at providing the name on the account, your service address, and the best number to reach you. With your permission, I would like to forward your concern to my contacts on the regional Executive Support team.

    I am sorry that you are having trouble, but I look forward to better serving you in the future.

    Best Regards,
    Melissa M.
    Comcast Executive Offices

  2. Bill Avatar

    Wow. I’m impressed, and I’m not being sarcastic. Comcast surfs the net.

    Here’s my email response, for fellow non-comcast readers:


    I appreciate the prompt attention, despite my surprise at its occurrence. As I’m sure you are aware, we (myself and my wife) often feel a bit downtrodden by Comcast technical support when we call in. We usually get the “have you reset your router and modem” and other rigamarole, even though we promise that we’ve done everything possible on our end. I understand why the tech people need to do this, but it is frustrating. That is why, as I mentioned in my blog posting, I wanted to have some concrete repeated time-of-day evidence before calling you guys.

    The account information is:
    The best number to reach me is *********

    Have a good day,

    My Madness has so much Method I’m ISO 9000 certified.

  3. Annie Avatar


    On many levels, interesting.

  4. s.bay.guy Avatar

    My results this morning for comacst in South Bay CA:
    slower than molasses

  5. James Cronen Avatar

    Article in the Seattle P-I today:

    Stormy times for Comcast

    Touches on this phenomenon.

  6. James Cronen Avatar

    Sorry, Seattle Times, not Seattle P-I.

  7. Ken Avatar

    Wow, Comcast has a legion of employees whose job it is to google the company? It’s a shame Comcast had no such interests when I had them and complained directly to the local office manager. I’ve since gone to Starband (much worse), Dish/Adelphia (better), and now Verizon FiOS (best).

    I’ve blogged about businesses before, but usually I only get emails from local business owners, never a nationwide company. Hopefully it’s more than just lip service. You ought to post a follow-up, Bill. Let us know what Comcast does beside read blogs.

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