Georgia is Off its Rocker

I must sincerely apologize to the rest of the nation. I live in a state that has just selected, as the republican candidate, a repeat of the last administration. We are one of three states so far that deigns to give Mike Huckabee a shot at screwing up our nation even more. The other contenders? West Virginia and Alabama.

I’m embarrased.

In our defence, I will point out that it was relatively close. Huckabee won with 34% with McCain at 32% and Romney at 30%. It was not a landslide by any means. But still. Come on people. Look at him. He’s a bible-thumping god-whalloper. Haven’t we shown what bible-thumping god-whallopers can do in the modern era? Jimmy Carter! George Bush! Two of our worst presidents ever.

Georgia has a long time to think about this. Hopefully, come November, we’ll vote with a bit more intelligence.


5 responses to “Georgia is Off its Rocker”

  1. James Cronen Avatar

    In Georgia’s defense, I’d imagine that the metro Atlanta voting bloc is quite different than the rural part of the state’s tendencies. Of course, 34% of your state is still clearly insane.

  2. Tom Sisson Avatar

    We almost called you since you called us in a panic when initial reports of the NH Primary stated that Huckabee was in the lead. He eventually came in 3rd with only 11% of the vote in NH.

  3. Steph Avatar


    Are you hicks crazy?

    That’s right, someone from NEW HAMPSHIRE is calling you a hick.

  4. Ken Avatar

    I fear for the “Chesapeake Primary” next week. Northern Virginia might be sane, but Richmond and the rest of the state I fear. It should be *interesting*.

  5. Annie Avatar

    But don’t you know, a firm belief in God will set our country back on the right path.

    Oh man, did I just take a swig of the funky Kool-Aid or what?

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