I am Politiqual

This is why I’m always getting into trouble when I discuss politics. I can piss off everyone and anyone in the room, no matter who they support, or what policy they envision.

71% Bill Richardson
64% Mitt Romney
63% John McCain
61% Rudy Giuliani
58% Hillary Clinton
57% Mike Huckabee
56% Chris Dodd
55% Barack Obama
55% Fred Thompson
54% John Edwards
52% Tom Tancredo
45% Joe Biden
44% Mike Gravel
39% Dennis Kucinich
39% Ron Paul

2008 Presidential Candidate Matching Quiz


3 responses to “I am Politiqual”

  1. Steph Avatar

    I don’t see Bill Belichick on here?!

    Well, this is something of a shock…my top 3:
    1. Bill Richardson
    2. Chris Dodd
    3. Rudy Giuliani

    After Belichick, I was thinking McCain or Paul, but I only agree with them 58% and 50% of the time. Maybe I should reconsider.

  2. Bill Avatar

    Do you think Belichick would have time to run the free world?

  3. Steph Avatar

    Well, definitely in the offseason…

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