Arrghhh! Too Many Projects!

I know I’ve mentioned previously my tendency to have too much stuff going on. I need to focus!

That being said, here is the list of things that are on the burner for the near future:

TalkingTraffic Podcast. I really need to do that tonight. I usually post it by midnight this morning, but obviously not today.
Work! Gosh, think about who pays for this website!
Christmas. Not as big a deal this year, but there’s christmas cards, and I need to prepare my annual present of photo album pages to the family.
Train. The Resolution 10k is in a month +6 days and there’s no time like the present. Plus I need to get back onto the bicycle and into the pool.
Create! There’s this camera thing I have that has been neglected recently. Plus I’ve got two blogs, one podcast, and two web projects to work on.
Read. My pile keeps getting bigger… [sigh]
Clean! The house is a bit of a mess. Our goal is to have it spic and span by Saturday when we put up Christmas decorations.

Tonight is Train, Cook, Clean, Podcast, Sleep. I know at least three of those will get done.


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