Month: June 2007

  • Awesome Astronomy, Terrible Reporting

    This morning, I was alerted by the Atlanta Journal Constitution (reg. req’d) that a Georgia State University astronomy program on Mt. Wilson, in California, had imaged the surface of Altair, a sun-sized star that is one of the brightest in the northern sky. This is cool because it’s the first time a star this size has been seen this way.

    image_5451429 However, accompanying this article was this image. It was very early when I read the news, so it didn’t ping my bullshit detectors, although the sheer amount of detail really should have been a tip-off. It wasn’t until I ended up at the National Science Foundation website that I noticed the caption that should have accompanied the image.

    An artist’s rendition of Altair

    What’s a little detail like that, between friends?

    Regardless, this is excellent astronomy and great science. I could not find the actual image that goes along with the press releases. Hopefully that will pop up into the public domain soon.

  • Favorite Photo of the Week

    Hamburgers at Memorial Day Picnic

    Saturday before Memorial Day had us out at an acquintances place to grill and drink and watch the stars. See my flickr set for more images.

  • This Week in Traffic: 1 June 2007

    TOP STORY: Because this is cool

    In Kahului, HI, citizens who are protesting the new Hawaii Superferry plan to simulate the effects that the offloading of this ferry will have on the local road network. They’re not simulating this using software, though; they’re gathering an equivalent amount of vehicles and pedestrians to do an actual offload, to demonstrate the effects the ferry will bring. This is citizenry in action! Awesome.

    New Tunnel into New York City

    News about a potential new commuter rail tunnel. Secretary Mary Peters has been slinging around a lot of money in the last few weeks. She announced here in Atlanta some big amount of money to help study Atlanta Harstfield Jackson Airport in order to determine if further expansion is possible, and to consider a potential second airport.

    Safety Improvements can be Overdone

    This man has a point about safe roads being not necessarily “comfortable” roads.

    The Lie of Realtime Traffic Data

    Before anyone gets up in arms about be bashing our faithful brethren in the ITS industry, I must say that I have personal experience to what this man is complaining about. On several occasions here in Atlanta, I’ve checked the traffic status (acceptable) on Georgia Navigator, only to have the inaccuracy forcefully pointed out to me by my stuck-in-traffic wife. There is apparently some lag in the reporting of average speeds around here.

    Camera-Toting Bobbies

    More news about the traffic wardens in England who now have head-cameras.