DSLR Sensor Cleaning

As I mentioned in a blog post about a week ago, I was getting ready to clean the sensor on my Canon Digital Rebel XT.

Here’s what it looked like before I started.
IMG_4604 Before Cleaning

Look at all those black spots! What a mess.

Here’s what it looks like now.

IMG_4613 After Cleaning

I’ve still got some dust on the top of the image (which is the bottom of the sensor) but I can deal with this for now. I’m very leery of touching my camera’s sensor any more than I need to. This is a huge improvement over the uncleaned version, and I declare it good enough.


One response to “DSLR Sensor Cleaning”

  1. Chris Avatar

    So is this a result of puff and wipe? Or just one or the other?
    I’m also amused by the sort of interference pattern you get from the monitor. I always just point at the sky, or a brightly lit wall. As long as you set the exposure to a lot longer than you need and move the camera around, you integrate only the dust… but your previous post already discussed that.

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