Stuck in Traffic? Dance!
Cairo commuters dance the blues away.
Brooklyn Reroute Project Stirring Ire
The plan to reorient two two-way streets into a one-way pair in Brooklyn, NY is causing outrage.
Lubbock Traffic Signal Enforcement
At least someone thinks that Lubbock, Texas will have red light enforecement in the near future.
Speaking of Red Light Enforcement…
Judge rules the enforcement in Des Moines is illegal at the same time a State Senator in Iowa wants to ban them.
Public Transit to Support Drinking
Matt speaks his mind about the early closing times of the Boston’s T system.
Important Safety Tip
How to escape from a sinking car!
Lots of Bad Physics
This post describes how to trip an in-pavement sensor at a signal (a.k.a. detector loop, induction loop). It’s mostly filled with silly ideas about magnetism, but I’d definitely go with numbers 5, 12 and 13. 1 for desperate situations, although 5 would be quicker. 2, 3, 10, and 14 are all illegal in every state I’m familiar with the law. 4, 7, 8, and 9 all demostrate a lack of basic knowledge about magnetic fields and EMF. And don’t forget my addition, the sensor may not be working at all.
The fact that allows this to remain reduces their reputation in my eyes.
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