It’s no surprise to anyone that J.K. Rowling is positioned to make a great deal of money from the 7th installment of the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. USA Today had an article concerning the initial print run of 12 million copies for HPaDH, which is freaking huge! The same article says that the sixth book (Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince) had an initial run of 10.8 million and sold 6.9 million in the first 24 hours. I’m going to go out on a limb and project that HPaDH will sell 10 million copies on the first weekend, which conservatively means she’ll rake in $30M by Monday.
That’s a damn good pay rate.
Two months ago, author Brandon Sanderson had some thoughts about the publishing industry and why most authors don’t make much money.
But back to Ms. Rowling. I wish her all the best with the proceeds from her franchise. I hope that it does not quell the creative spirit that she has displayed with Harry Potter et al and that she manages to write more novels of equal quality for us all to enjoy.
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