Lying down, Reading books…

With respect to the fact that I can injure myself by sitting on the couch, I’ve spent a good deal of the last two days lying on the selfsame evil couch reading books and watching TV. World Cup soccer and Welcome to Mooseport are both excellent time sinks.

The majority of the time has been burning through the Dresden Files, a series by Jim Butcher.

The last few books were quite good (I’m on the sixth right now). I almost did not continue reading the series after the first book because of the character cliches that were beating me about the head, but I figured that this was (I think) Mr. Butcher’s first published work so it wasn’t going to get any worse. They’re good Saturday/Sunday reading and very quick. I’ve read numbers two through 5.5 since Friday. If you are a fan of the early Anita Blake novels, before they turned into pornography, then you’ll probably like these. Of course, you will recognize a lot of themes from those books, but that’s because Mr. Butcher and Ms. Hamilton both lifted them from the same places.


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