Thin Member Fracture (a.k.a. Fun with Spaghetti)

What do you do during your lunch break?

Today, I decided to check out who was awarded the 2005 Ig Nobel Awards and for what.

My favorite one of these was the alarm clock that runs away and hides, which I heard about on NPR a few weeks ago. I think it was on Morning Edition; you should be able to find a transcript.

That was not, however, what I did with my lunch break. Instead I watched movies about the brittle fracture of thin members or “why does spaghetti break in more than one place?”

This was clued in to me from The Panda’s Thumb.


  1. Chris Avatar

    This is highly amusing to me and reminds me of a discussion we had in college to get the Nagler out of bed. I recall him telling us of how he once put his alarm clock on the opposite side of the room. Somehow he was still able to climb down from his loft, find the clock, deactivate it and return to his loft… all without remembering it.

    I remember we suggested an alarm clock with some sort of puzzle-like ‘awakeness test’ before the alarm could be terminated. The idea of finding the alarm clock hidden somewhere in the room is amusing. With my luck it would roll out the door and down the stairs to beep contently in the living room… out of earshot.

  2. Chris Avatar

    OOps. that reply was supposed to be on the mobile alarm clock entry.

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