What I Learned in 2021 Week 3

Griffin posing with the tools we used to find our property pins: Surveyor stakes, 100' tape, hammer, surveyor tape, a hand sketch of our property, and a magnetic locator

If you use a magnetic locator to find your property pins in the woods where someone in the past erected barbed wire fence but now it’s mostly buried…you spend a lot of time digging up barbed wire.

Nevertheless, success.

Griffin and I found the really important propert pin (!!!ppf!!!) that will define the edge where we may place a fence.

I’m proud to say that despite our fudging and guesstimating and eyeballing, the pin was 5.2’ from where we placed a stake as our “place to start looking.” pic.twitter.com/ICcxWo22Yk— Goats (@bruhsam) January 16, 2021

Turns out, you can rent survey equipment.

Twenty Thousand Hertz is one of my podcasts. This week I learned again that there are people who experience the world in ways that are very different from me. Synesthesia. I’ve heard discussions of this before, but this one in particular was evocative due to the people on the episode who have synesthesia describing how sounds and other sensations make them feel. Come for the excellent podcast quality, stay for the dude’s description of his Blue Meal.

Lots of Goats this week. We had a herd of Goats clearing off our front hill and they did a great job. They left behind more of the English Ivy runners than I expected, but honestly, I don’t care. The business we got the goats from is Red Wagon Goats.

Goats will EAT YOUR TREES if they’re bored with other foods. They’ve ring-barked a few trees I figured would be fine. Surprise, they’re not fine anymore.

Last week I talked about the book Civil War Atlanta by Robert Scott Davis. I stopped reading it because I found one incredible factual error that puts the rest of the book in serious question. The author said (paraphrasing) in June 1862, an Atlanta-raised unit of 1050 men went to war and by the following September “only 35 remained standing.” I don’t know how much you know about the kinds of casualties that American Civil War units withstood, but that number is pretty high. Laughably high actually, and easily looked up and disproved. So, that book is done for me.

Back to the weekend’s location of our property pins, given that we found a lot of barbed wire along our property line, I went looking to find out what our property used to be, prior to it becoming a residential subdivision. I couldn’t find a lot online about the previous owners of the property. I probably need to go into the Cobb County tax office in person to dig it up. But, just to get a sense of the transition from farm to suburb, I went through the USGS Historical Archive hosted by ArcGIS. All the USGS maps that are in the area you choose back through time. In the image here from 1967, my house is at the red cross-hairs and those purple buildings might be chicken houses. Would explain the barbed-wire on the property line if they had other livestock.

USGS topo from 1967 of my property.
My area (our house is cross-haired) in 1967. Looks like some agricultural buildings just west (probably chicken houses) which would explain the barbed wire fencing we dug up at our property line.

Back to goats: Our goats did NOT want to get back into the trailer. About 2/3 of them docilely did what their handlers wanted. The other 1/3, noped out and started wandering around, eating our juniper, then the stuff that’s poisonous to them. Then we were chasing three of them around the neighborhood. Eventually they all got piled in and loaded out.


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